Writing out of sequence? Not for me
I guess everyone has different ways of writing a novel. A
friend recently posted that he is working on the third book of his series and
he said he already has several scenes written which he will slot in at the
appropriate places. Many of these scenes were written for book two and were not
used and he says he may even save some of them for a possible fourth book. I've
read his books, they are very good, they flow well and there is never a hint
that any part is written out of sequence. My wife’s method is similar. She
writes parts of her books and then writes round the scenes she has.
I can’t do that. When I sit down to write a novel I start
with the first word on page one and write in chronological sequence until I get
to the end. I never write a scene and put it in, I just can’t work that way. I may
go back and tweak something, put a clue in here, take a too-obvious pointer out
there, but I never go forward and write a whole chunk of the book. I think the
reason for this is because when I start writing a book I generally know who the principle characters will be, I know how it will end and I know how I want to start it
but once I've started to put words on paper and have introduced my people they simply
take on a life of their own and go their own way.
I can’t write a scene for the middle of the book because
these people I've created may never get to that situation. I don’t manipulate
them, they find their own way to the final chapter and I don’t think I can work
any other way.
The hardest part for me is always the beginning of a book.
The prologue for “Innocent?” (coming out in December) is about three pages long
but it took me weeks to write to my own satisfaction. Once I had it done though the
rest of the novel just flowed because these characters took over but I agonized
about how to get them started on their journey.
As I said, my friend is a good writer, his books sell well and
his method obviously works for him. Personally I can’t work his way, just as
well I guess, if were all the same the world would be a very boring place.
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