Sunday, June 21, 2015


I’ve been writing for a long time, more years than I care to think about in fact. My first ‘novel’ was written manually on two A4 pads of notepaper, it was probably less than 40,000 words and I wore out the nib of a fountain pen writing it. It has long ago been consigned to the great trash bin in the sky and the story has never been re-written.

After that I acquired an old manual typewriter and used it to write my stories. I was never a great typist. I’m still not, although, when the creative juices are flowing, I can manage a fairly respectable speed just using a couple of fingers and I don’t make too many errors. Then along came the computer era, of course, and my output increased ten fold.

That was about the time I started to think about writing seriously. I entered competitions and finally joined a very small writing group at my local library. Up to that time my stories had been just for me and, if I was feeling brave, any competition judges I cared to trust with my work. The writing group changed that and introduced me to reading what I’d written aloud in front of an audience.

As I said, that first group was very small, no more than half a dozen of us and I think that helped me to overcome the nerves of reading to an audience. I’ve been a member of much larger creative writing groups since then and I’ve gotten used to reading my work to fellow writers who would offer helpful hints and constructive criticism. I don’t mind that, they know the torture of trying to produce a polished piece. One thing I have never done though, is read something I’ve written to you, the reading public.

Somehow the opportunity has never arisen but that is going to change next Saturday, June 27th. On that day I shall be at the Tamarack, here in West Virginia. They are holding an event called the West Virginia Writer’s Weekend. I will have a table and will be selling my books but I am also going to do a reading. At 12:30 I shall be on stage with fifteen minutes to try to enthrall an audience with one of my short stories. At the moment I am not too nervous about it but I have a feeling that will change so, if any of you good people are near the Tamarack on Saturday the 27th, I could certainly use your support. 

Monday, June 8, 2015

News and views

When asked how she came to write Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling said ‘The idea just came into my head…’ I guess that is the same for many of us who follow this lonely trade. Ideas just pop into our heads and we have to let them out by writing them down.

The idea for Harry Potter came to Rowling on a train, she did not have a pen and so she developed the story in her mind for the next four hours before ever putting anything down on paper. I work in a similar way. Ideas just seem to pop into my mind from nowhere and, if I like them, I turn them over and over letting them ferment, sometimes for days or even weeks, before either discarding them or  starting to write them.

Not all ideas born in this way work out. For every novel I have out there I have another that is either unfinished or which, when I got to the end, I was not happy with. I don’t throw these away, I put them on a back burner to keep warm and sometimes I go back to them, do a complete rewrite and then maybe produce something I think is worthwhile.

Of course simply writing books is not the only hard part of the craft these days, the author also needs to market his wares and that takes a lot of time and effort, time that would be better spent on the next book. I’ve advertised on social media and various groups, I’ve offered books for free, I’ve touted them wherever I can but I can only reach so many people and to attract a wider audience I, like most of my peers, need you, the readers, to not only spread the word but hopefully to leave reviews on sites such as Amazon.

Recently I gave my novel “Guilty?” away for free. More than three hundred people downloaded it, a significant number of them then downloaded further books but the vast majority did not leave a review so come on guys, if you liked it please put pen to paper and tell the world, if you didn’t then put pen to paper and tell me, I relish feedback.

I have two pieces of news before I close this. On Saturday, June 27, I will be selling signed copies of my books at the Tamarack here in West Virginia. I will also be doing a short reading of some of my work around lunch time so if you’re around the area please look in and say hello.

The second piece of news is that the four books in the Dean and Steph detective series are now available on Amazon as a boxed set for only $2.99 so, if you liked the first one take a look at the rest at: